
Traduccion诺拉   ترجمةإسبانية


帮助你的学生驾驭在线学习的细微差别 这个伟大的资源!


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参加在线课程的学生的计算机知识水平差别很大. 科技 所有在线课程都会出现问题,这些问题可能成就一门课程,也可能毁掉一门课程.


学生可以找到有用的信息 在学生资源页面上 获得在线课程的支持. 



  • 保持课程简单,使用简单的术语,不要过度使用复杂的技术
  • Before your course, either in email or on your college web page, have future students “你准备好上网了吗??测验(见侧栏)


    误解), or include some tech questions in your orientation quiz or on-campus presentation
  • Put detailed requirements in your syllabus: skills needed, minimal hardware/software 需要(麦克风,使用博客,SPSS)
  • State your policy regarding tech problems - that these are students' responsibility -包括地区服务器几乎从来不是技术问题的原因 不能作为错过最后期限的借口
  • 在你的课程中加入常见技术问题和解决方案的faq
  • 张贴或附上“开始使用画布在你的教学大纲或网页上张贴传单
  • Create a Discussion called "科技 Problems" or "Questions and Answers" for student-to-student 帮助
  • Suggest that very unprepared students get a mentor, tech friend, training, computer 书
  • 确保在课程中放置一个带有常见浏览器插件链接的页面


  • Use the first week of class to get students familiar with Canvas by giving a variety of simple assignments (taking a short quiz, submitting a brief paper, posting to discussions) - most technical problems occur at the start of the course, so set aside time to deal 学生问题
  • 告诉学生以通用格式(pdf、docx)储存档案-解释“另存为” 对话框
  • 对于没有文字处理机的学生,建议




    or tell them to use those supplied with their OS: Windows includes Wordpad and Notepad, Mac包含TextEdit. 谷歌文档也可以保存为Word文件.
  • 将学生推荐给Cuyamaca帮助台:
  • Sometimes you need to interpret what students are asking or what their problem actually is, so have them give you a step-by-step clarification (this sometimes requires considerable 耐心)
  • Allow students who are having tech problems with quizzes to take a makeup test or 甚至可以在校园内参加考试(在你的F2F班级,在你的办公室,由监考老师)。. 和 advise students of the following reasons for test crashes: 1) clicking the wrong buttons 或键- e.g.2)点击得太快,而且 not waiting for the screen to refresh (they need to click and wait), 3) having many programs active simultaneously on their computer and switching between them, and 4) ISP连接不良或丢失
  • Allow extra-credit work to makeup for missed assignments due to tech problems (state 这个政策在你们的教学大纲中)
  • If their computer goes down, tell them to use another computer (a family member, friend, the tech lab at Cuyamaca, the community library, at work) - this is also a good way 对原始计算机进行故障排除
  • 提醒他们经常备份工作
  • Always have them check for popup blockers (sometimes in multiple installed programs) 杀毒软件冲突
  • 建议他们尝试不同的浏览器(Firefox和Chrome是最好的)
  • 告诉他们等一会儿再试一次(令人惊讶的是,这很多次都有效)
  • 询问他们是否尝试过重启



  • The two biggest factors affecting dropout are student misconceptions and time management 问题,所以一定要在你的培训或分配中解决这些问题


    追求在线成功导向.  联系远程教育协调员进行设置. 
  • If you suspect many of the students in your class are not prepared, take a survey 并给出“赶上进度”的建议(如果可能的话,预先筛选学生)
  • 研究表明,更多(或更长)的定向训练可以提高记忆力——比如1周 定位时间
  • Make emails and feedback personal (studies show personal interaction is very important 为了让学生满意)——友好、耐心、鼓励、幽默
  • 每周检查学生的进步和互动,然后采取行动:
    • 在成绩单中使用Canvas“Message Students Who”
    • 如果学生落后了,发邮件(或打电话)问“发生了什么事?  如何 我能帮忙吗??"
    • 关键是友好的、个人的和持续的鼓励
  • 提供Cuyamaca的在线链接


  • 经常与教练进行初步接触可以降低辍学率
  • Give early and frequent feedback to badly performing students stressing "areas for 改进”,而不是他们做错了什么
  • 如果学生超过一周不登录课堂,他们会通知你吗
  • 破例,对那些真正有困难的学生表现出同情和同情 困难的情况或挑战(如医疗紧急情况)
  • Although you should drop students who have not logged into your course for a while (or very sporadically), but be sure to email them first and ask for reasons for the 不活动
  • Call absent students by phone (this surprising, extra-personal contact can sometimes 改变思想和激励)
  • 经常使用零分值的“练习测验”
  • Studies show retention is better for those with a higher education level and greater expectations for getting a degree, so draw on those students to 帮助 other students 在课堂上
  • For students having a difficult time with your online class, allow them to attend 一些面对面的课程(如果你同时教授两种形式)


Students who have never taken 在线课程 (and even some who have) sometimes have 期望使适应网络变得困难. 最好解决这些问题 在课程开始之前,在坏习惯形成之前(或者在他们报名参加一个 当然,这与他们期望或需要的太不一样了). 大学辅导员 应该熟悉许多在线课程,以正确地建议和安置学生.


  • make clear the amount of work involved before students sign up for your course (in 在你的大学网页,教学大纲上)
  • give past examples of your general grade distributions (or a general description of 与你的面对面课程相比,学生在你的在线课程中的表现如何?
  • 强调这是一门“真正的”课程,可以转学,达到大学水平
  • since some studies now show students as viewing online courses as actually more demanding, 用鼓励来缓和警告
  • 在你的教学大纲里写上:“计划投入比你自己更多的时间 做一个讲座. 每周至少有3个小时的讲座课 每周3 - 6小时的家庭作业. 计划至少花那么多时间在 这个类. 在网络课堂上表现最好的学生能很好地管理他们的时间 assignments, and do work on many different days during each week (rather than waiting 最后期限)."
  • warn that online students frequently underestimate the time needed for offline reading and doing assignments (even underestimating the amount of time spent waiting for screen 刷新、下载、技术问题等.)
  • mention how they will save driving time (and gas), parking fees, but that home distractions can make things more difficult (suggest their "online study room" be free of distractions 关掉电子邮件和手机
  • although there is more flexibility with online courses, these are not really "self-paced" courses - there are strict deadlines (every week or so) with penalties for late assignments
  • clarify that online courses are not correspondence courses - students must be active-learners, 自我激励,自我指导
  • give examples of how there is more interaction, communication, and collaboration in 在线课程
  • 此外,许多学生需要并更喜欢面对面的交流和纪律 面对面的课程
  • state the surprise reality: "You will get to know your instructor and your fellow 学生们比你在面对面的课堂上更有个性."
  • 在线讨论、电子邮件、作业和小组作业都不是匿名的
  • list a typical week's assignments on your home page or point these out in the syllabus
  • emphasize that much of the work is written work (this sometimes surprises new students)
  • state that just as all lecture classes are not 相同的, all online courses are not 相同的
  • 创建一个关于期望,规则,程序的第一周Db线程
  • warn that online courses demand much more writing than face-to-face courses (writing 作业、讨论板、电子邮件)
  • 良好的阅读和写作技能对于在网络课程中取得好成绩至关重要
  • although there is no face-to-face contact, there is more interaction with the instructor and other students than in a lecture class and group work is common (although, interestingly, 研究表明,内向的人在在线学习方面取得了成功。
  • online courses are not "self-taught," but, as in a face-to-face course, are taught 讲师
  • (请参阅计算机知识解决方案)


 Here are links, contacts, and references that you can use for all your online teaching. 这个页面可以作为一个方便的参考链接,你可能放错了地方.







招生 & 记录 书店


幼儿中心 毕业典礼 & 毕业


职业中心 收银员办公室

Cuyamaca正规网赌软件推荐 Cuyamaca在乎

多样性 & 包容 dsp /高科技中心

bgi /保健/ NextUP /! 金融援助

健康 & 健康中心


图书馆 外展 通路学院

中心位置 骄傲资源中心

奖学金 学生事务

技术中心 转移中心

辅导 无证学生资源

Umoja 退伍军人中心 虚拟帮助中心
